Allexandra Nicole B. Domingo's Web

My Lovely Pets

All about Me
My roots
My First Communion
My Lovely Pets
A hamster's tale
Dolphin Heaven
My creations
My recipes
Pokemon Gallery
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My favorite websites

Lilli is my first baby!

Finally, I am old enough to take care of pets...

Red Beating Heart

I have always wanted to have pets, but my mom explained having pets means being responsible for another creature's life. When I turned eight my mom believed I could take on the responsibility, hence, I got my first pet. A hamster I named Lilli. Then just a few days ago we got new members join our growing family, dalmatians named Kooky and Koko.


Lilli taught me a lot about hamsters.
Click on our picture to know more about hamsters.

Kooky and Koko
are energetic.

They are camera shy
they don't like the camera's flash.


Click on our picture to see more...
pictures with Kooky!

Webmaster: Binky B. Domingo