Allexandra Nicole B. Domingo's Web

A hamster's tale
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Open Book, Spinning

Hamster Trivia:
The name hamster is derived from the German word hamstern which means to hoard.

Hamsters are crepuscular. They are most active around dusk and dawn, which has led many people to mistake them for being nocturnal.

Red Hand Pointing Right


Don't feed a hamster chocolate, it's bad for their heart!

Red Hand Pointing Right

I used to think that hamsters are cute but I never thought that they could be so much more...


I got Lilli when she was only about three weeks old, she came from my auntie, her parents are named Piggy and Poochie, my cousin Ally also got a gift hamster and her name is Rosella, Lilli's sister.



If Lilli stood and clasped her front paws together like she is praying, it means she wants me to get her from her cage!

They are already weaned but they squeak as if they miss their mom, so I went online and found out we can give them non-fat milk. So we fed them milk through medicine droppers!

Syrian hamsters are territorial, when Lilli and Rosella first fought, we placed them in separate cages. Having a cage of their own, it became easier for them to recognize their names. My hamster knows her name is "Lilli" and she also responds to being called "Baby."

Keeping their cage clean
would prevent a hamster form smelling!

Lilli had broccoli!

Webmaster: Binky B. Domingo